The Trust Factor

The Trust Factor: Learn It, Earn It, and Turn It into a Team-Building Strength

Now more than ever, we need trust in our workplaces, because our future depends so heavily on how well we can work together.

Unfortunately, trust doesn’t come automatically, especially when people are stressed out over the big things in life like their job security and financial well-being. Trust requires new thinking, concerted effort, and long-term commitment.

This session lifts up the hood and looks closely at what trust really means — and how it works best when times are at their worst. Participants hear real stories that show the power of trust in its many forms. They engage in activities that bring key points to life. And they learn what they can do right now to increase the trust level in their own work environment — for the good of themselves, their colleagues and teams, and the people they serve.

As the session unfolds, people see the benefits of:

  • Viewing trust as a reciprocal proposition — to get it, you have to give it.
  • Trading the efficiency of high tech for the effectiveness of high touch.
  • Learning how to say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • Opting for dialogue over discussion.
  • Being the best kind of “spy” and “gossip,” knowing that the stories we tell end up shaping our workplace culture.
  • Closing the gap between “us” and “them.”

Trust can be a nebulous topic that leads to endless philosophical conversation. This session takes a practical angle. It supplies ideas and tools that people can put to work immediately.

Want more info? Click to send a note, or call 614-571-9529.

On-Site Workplace Presentation, Lunch-and-Learn, Retreat: 1-3 hours

On-Site Workshop: Half day to 1 day

Conference Keynote: 45-90 minutes

Presentation for a business group or other association: 45-90 minutes[/learn_more]