
The 12 rules of lasting success

These “simple” rules can take a lifetime to master, but they’re well worth the effort. Make them your daily operating procedure and watch the success unfold. START THE DAY RIGHT. Figure out what puts you in a positive frame of mind, and make it your morning ritual. EXPECT GOOD THINGS. Keep that glass half full by choosing faith and hope over cynicism and skepticism. TAKE TIME TO BE AWED. Look through the lens of appreciation and see all that is going right in your workplace. LIVE A MISSION. When completing those everyday tasks and projects, see how they contribute to a greater good. DELIVER EXCELLENCE. Every job involves service to someone, so serve them well by setting a high standard every day. MAKE PLENTY OF FRIENDS. Every workplace is its own community, so reach across the fence, meet your neighbors, and build your network. SHOW UP ON TIME. Lower your stress and boost your reputation by being reliably prompt. BE INCLINED TO SAY YES. When requests, offers, and invitations come your way, look for every reason to accept. EXERCISE YOUR STRENGTHS. You’re good at many things, and you’ll get even better by putting those strengths to work. SEEK OPPORTUNITY IN ADVERSITY. When times get tough, search the situation for something to learn or some other way to benefit. FIND THE RIGHT BALANCE. Enjoy solitude and social time, work and play, activity and rest, indoors and outdoors…all in the same day…in measures that bring you fulfillment. LEARN SOMETHING EVERY DAY. As the sun sets, reflect on your day and identity one discovery you can put to work tomorrow. By Tom Terez •...

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10 secrets from the ultimate servant leader

If you want to achieve great results at work and everywhere else, then walk in the bootsteps of this legendary leader.

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Dr. King and you: 5 ways to follow his lead

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is best honored through action. Here are 5 ways we can follow his lead and make our own mark on the world.

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7 traps that snare the best bosses

In an effort to do the right thing, managers often do just the opposite. Are you falling into any of the 7 traps?

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Needed: Supervisors with super vision

Supervision can be interpreted in two sharply different ways. One way is super — the other, not so much.

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Top 10 mistakes of well-meaning managers

Here are the top 10 mistakes of well-meaning bosses, along with advice for turning potential pitfalls into opportunities.

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